
Monday, 30 April 2012

Vatican Approved Eucharistic Miracles

Vatican Approved Eucharistic Miracles 

It is time for English Catholics to once again embrace the spirituality of the Catholic Church. Nowhere is this more powerful than in the Eucharistic miracle. I have included a link to the Nottingham Diocese Exhibition below.

It is interesting to note that Eucharistic miracles have invariably occurred in front of Catholics who have not truly believed in the presence of our lord and King in the Blessed Sacrament.

These Eucharistic miracles have usually involved the Blessed Sacrament turning into flesh, dripping with blood, being untouched during fires, as well as emanating light. Some examples have been analysed by scientists who have verified that the remaining material was human flesh or blood. In one case on Easter Sunday at Ferrara, Italy Mass celebrated by Padre Pietro de Verona blood spurted out of the host when it was broken in two at the consecration. The entire congregation witnessed it.

Many Catholics also witness Eucharistic miracles on a weekly basis at Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament where the Blessed Sacrament will spin and move around whilst being viewed.

Click below for a directory of Eucharistic Miracles.

I have included a link from A Reluctant Sinner to the most recent Eucharistic Miracle below.

There are also other miracles such as that in the Catholic Herald link below where a saints congealed blood becomes liquified and is witnessed by a packed congregation every year on the feast of St. Janarius in Naples.


The Church of the Good Shepherd, 3 Thackerays Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4HT.

18 - 20th May 2012
10am to 8pm daily

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