
Thursday, 18 August 2011

Beautiful Practices to Bring Back to Our Catholic Faith!

Beautiful Practices to Bring Back to Our Catholic Faith!

400 years ago Henry VIII did his very best to destroy Catholicism is England. 50 years ago Cromwell would have been proud of liberal Catholics who also tried (and are still trying) to destroy the Faith:

Isn't it time put a stop to all this nonsense?

Now is the time to finally be

Catholic and Proud and stand up as a witness to our Faith!'

Let's re-introduce the Crowning of Mary

(Actually, it is encouraging to note that since writing this article I have have observed this practice being restored in more and more places)

What about re-introducing the Walk of Witness on Good Friday and the Corpus Christi Procession  (believe it or not, not every parish do these)! My parish stopped it when somebody got some minor verbal abuse! Here's some news folks. It wasn't a walk in the park for Jesus either! Come on! Get with the programme! Jesus got scourged before the Crucifixion, he did just receive some minor verbal abuse!



What about bringing back the sung Latin version of the Salve Regina. Here is a video below, if you haven't heard it for a while. It is normally sung after Masses held at midday. It is also sung after the candle lit procession at Lourdes. While the Pope was staying at the Papal Nuncio's house in Wimbledon people were outside singing this most beautiful of Catholic antiphons.



What about more candle lit procession at Walsingham? New Dawn do it and why should Lourdes have all the fun?


What about re-introducing the presentation of scapulars during Mass?


What about visiting your family graves on All Souls Day just like in many parts of the world. Below is the candle lit grave yard in San Gregoio, Mexico. Believe it or not we all used to do this before Henry & Cromwell stopped us after the reformation.


Very few Catholics ever attend the most beautiful of all our practices - Adoration and Benediction. Quiet contemplation and meditation with Jesus is always important for ALL of us Catholics! Even the Catholic youth do this en masse at events like World Youth Day & Youth 2000

"The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrement is the best time you will spend on Earth". 
Bl. Mother Teresa

What about an experience of the  Extraordinary Form of Mass.
The Mass that links us to the early Church and links all Catholics irrespective of nationality by one common language.



Crosses and statues draped in purple during lent.

See article on Vincent de Paul RCIA 

Although pilgrimages still happen, what about the re-invigoration of our Faith by going on parish pilgrimages to our spiritual home at the Slipper Chapel and Holy Spirit Chapel at Walsingham and walking the Holy Mile  
(and walking the Holy mile whilst saying the rosary).

It is only a small proportion of Catholics who visit our National Shrine (having said that this still means that thousand of us go on individual pilgrimages every year). Up to 6000 people can go on pilgrimage at any one time and the major Catholic Conferences of New Dawn and Youth 2000 are held opposite the Slipper Chapel with thousands of people & youth groups attending every year!                     


From the beginning has always been held that It is the duty of every English Catholic to make pilgrimage to Walsingham to pray for England, and for themselves.

Our Lady of Walsingham Pray for Us

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